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Introduction of Manufacturing Company


What is the ESG?

ESG is an environmental, social and governance structure. 

ESG is an environmental, social and governance structure. These are the words coined only after the first spelling of the three words. ESG will eventually be chosen as three key factors to consider for sustainable development and growth from a company's long-term perspective. 

How much sales a company generated and how much profit it generates in the process were the most important, but now, for the future, how much effort and investment companies put into solving social and environmental problems is emerging as the most important key criterion for evaluating a company's value.

About Us

“신선한 재료로 정직하고 맛있게”  라는 슬로건으로 시작한,  하성에프앤비(F&B)는 [HACCP 인증]을 받고, 인증 기준에 맞춰 설계한 신사옥으로 이전한 2015년 08월을 기점으로, 기존 축산물 가공 외에 수입축산물판매, 대기업 OEM, 유통 등 모든 파트를 세분화하여 운영 중이고, 앞으로 종합 식품회사로 발전하길 기대하며 국내 뿐 아니라 해외로의 진출을 목표로 성장해나갈 예정입니다.

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TO. HasungF&B

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하성에프앤비(F&B)     대표자명 : 황의환     사업자등록번호 : 137.18.92184     통신판매업신고번호 : 제2011-경기김포-0241호


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