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Son of Chicken's Store

The Son of a Chicken store wants to breakaway from the existing chicken restaurant. So It is a brand that aims to have a distinctive space and menu that is funky but not cheap.

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Our company specializes in chicken processing, The more difficult and uncomfortable we get the better products.

The harder and more uncomfortable we are, the better product comes. We insist on conventional production methods.


son   of   chicken's   store

 Hasung Mall

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— 하성 황의환 부사장님 —

하성그룹의 쇼핑몰로서 통합브랜의 역할을 하며, 현재 닭집아들 직화시리즈와 진공(벌크)팩 제품을 판매중에 있습니다.  앞으로는 닭집아들 뿐 아니라, 새로 만들어진 반찬브랜드 [집밥찬스]와 또 다른 안주브랜드 [안방포차] 제품들도 라인업에 등장할 예정입니다.

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